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About Me



I originally came to Toronto from Hong Kong as a visa student at the ripe age of 15. Needless to say, it was quite a culture shock, and a life-changing experience!


After secondary school, I enrolled in what is known now as the OCAD U. Those formative years of imbuing in the arts, learning from and exchanging ideas with fellow art students remain some of my fondest memories to this day.


Having worked at an advertising agency, and a graphic design firm in my post graduate years, I launched my freelancing career in 1995, along the way working with a host of amazing clients, art directors and designers, and earning a few awards - as luck would have it.


I'm well versed in traditional and digital medium, and passionate about painting. If any of my work piques your interest, or fits the bill for your project, please give me a shout, and chat!





Tel: 905-709-8217

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© 2023 by Stephen Chien, Beware of Dog® studio.  All rights reserved

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